17 Nov 5 Dot Peen Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
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Dot peening requires the proper machine, method, material, maintenance and operation for optimal results. Dot peen equipment is designed and manufactured to engrave permanent markings on hard metals and hard plastics, and high-quality dot peen models feature advanced technology that facilitates smooth, efficient operation. Upgrading your machine and learning how to operate the controller correctly can significantly improve your company’s efficiency.
Importance of Avoiding Dot Peen Errors
The dot peening process requires proper methods, material compatibility and machine operation. Preventing errors is essential when engraving hard materials in order to reduce downtime, help increase efficiency and meet important production goals.
Some items such as hazardous materials or firearms require proper markings and serial numbers for safety purposes, so it’s crucial to ensure your machine creates the engravings you need.
5 Dot Peen Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Your company can get the intended engraving results when you use your dot peen equipment correctly. Avoid the following complications to ensure each project turns out how you expect.
1. Buying and Using the Wrong Machine
Different dot peen equipment offers different benefits. If your dot peen marker machine isn’t meeting your requirements, you may need to upgrade your model or controller to experience one or more of these benefits:
- High-quality markings: PINSTAMP® dot peen machines use advanced technology to provide reliable dot peen marking capabilities and results.
- Marking curved or irregular surfaces: Many PINSTAMP® dot peen models feature floating pin capabilities for marking irregularly shaped or curved objects.
- Efficiency: The PINSTAMP® TMM5400 is an excellent option if efficiency is a top priority. This model features multiple pins, enabling it to make deeper marks at a faster rate than others. You can also enhance certain dot peen models with high-quality controllers such as the TMC520 and TMC470. A vision solution like iZONIT™ vision technology is another option to upgrade some machines.
- Ease of use: The TMC520 and TMC470 dot peen controllers can make your equipment easier to use. The TMC520 controller features a graphic color interface on a durable, impact-resistant touchscreen. The TMC470 controller features a simple, straightforward menu design and a strong, long-lasting membrane keyboard.
- Smaller operations: Models such as BenchMark® dot peen marking machines are easy to use and ideal for beginners or individuals who need to complete smaller operations.
- Portability: BenchMark® dot peen marking equipment such as the BenchMark460® are excellent options for better portability. The pins on these models operate without compressed air, so you can use them in any location.
2. Choosing Dot Peen When You Really Needed a Scribe Marker
The traditional dot peening process uses a specific pattern to leave deep holes in a material, making it the ideal method when your application requires depth and speed. Another option is to purchase a scribe marker which pulls a pin across a surface to remove material in a smooth, continuous line.
Both processes work when you need to permanently mark a surface. It’s especially effective for making products traceable and identifiable. Markings remain readable even after you galvanize or paint a surface. For these reasons, dot peening is the best option if you need to add permanent words, numbers or symbols.
While the dot peening method is best for engraving information such as serial numbers and safety symbols, scribing is best for cosmetic and branding purposes.
3. Ignoring Maintenance Requirements
Maintenance is essential to minimize repair costs and help your equipment operate properly for longer. The recommended maintenance depends on your specific model, but every machine requires the following:
- Regular cleaning: Cleaning your machine keeps it in shape and prevents rust and corrosion.
- Lubrication: Moving parts require adequate lubrication to prevent wear.
- Stylus replacement: A dot peen machine’s stylus/pin can wear down over time, so it’s important to replace it when necessary.
Check your owner’s manual to ensure you complete all important maintenance checks. Some machines may require you to replace certain components periodically.
4. Using Incompatible Materials
Manufacturers design and produce dot peen equipment to mark only specific materials that can handle the machine’s mechanical stress. Using a dot peening machine on the wrong material can cause damage or illegible markings, so you should only use it on hard plastic and metals.
5. Operating the Controller Improperly
If your dot peen machine delivers undesirable results, you may need to examine your controller and how you use it. Your controller is a crucial component because it allows you to:
- Send and pull data to and from your dot peen equipment.
- Upload files.
- Serialize and program marking data.
- Set and switch fonts.
- Set engraving depth, speed and alphanumeric information.
Your dot peen controller uses data to tell the machine what markings to engrave and how to engrave them. Small controller errors can result in inaccurate or inadequate markings, so it’s important to know how to operate it properly.
Dot Peen Marker Troubleshooting
If your controller is to blame for low-quality dot peen results, you can troubleshoot and improve results with the following solutions:
- Provide extensive training: Ensure your operators understand how to use the dot peen controller. Each operator should receive training on how to adjust settings, send the right information to the machine and troubleshoot controller malfunctions. Overall, operators should have a good understanding of the user’s manual.
- Ensure versions match: Your controller and keypad should be the same version. If one is a different version, the machine may not receive the data it requires to perform the proper functions and deliver the results you expect.
- Update firmware: Outdated firmware can cause your equipment to malfunction, underperform or deliver mistaken results. Check your system to determine if you need to update your firmware.
Find the Right Dot Peen Marking for Your Application With Telesis
Enhance your dot peening process by investing in the right equipment, using the proper method and material, training your team and setting up and operating your controller properly. At Telesis, we can provide the right dot peen marking machine for your application.
We are a one-stop shop, offering custom solutions so you can find the ideal engraving equipment for your needs. We design and build dot peen marker machines in-house, paying close attention to detail to provide top-quality solutions. Contact us to request a quote or learn more about how we can help you find the right machine for your applications.