The best way to label PPE with graphics, text, and regulatory information is by using lasers

Creating Permanent Labeling on PPE

Learn how to use laser marking systems to comply with regulations, apply text and graphics, and add legal information and instructions to PPE.

The category of personal protective equipment is omnipresent. People use PPE in the sporting, construction, medical, military, and law enforcement industries—just to name a few. But in an age of the COVID-19 virus, PPE is a necessity for everyone, as many governments have mandated masks be worn in public.

So what is PPE?

PPE is an acronym that describes any product designed to protect the user. This can be many things, from football helmets to seat belts. But, the most recognizable items are gloves, gowns, boots, safety glasses, ear protection, respirators, masks, and hard hats.

All of these items have been proven to protect against serious injury. Most manufacturers require PPE for employees working on the factory floor. In the medical field, PPE is standard equipment for medical staff. In construction, hard hats and safety glasses have saved countless lives.

CE Marking and Other Permanent Marks

In order for items to carry the CE certification most manufacturers require, makers must clearly mark the CE logo on the part. Often, the product manufacturer may want to mark other information to help identify the restrictions or qualifications of the product. They may also need to place legal information to protect the manufacturer in the case of misuse.

Marking these products can be a challenge since the material may be fabric. It may also be plastic that can smooth and not hold a mark over time. Ink marks are quick and easy go apply, but with daily use of a product, those marks can fade. Sometimes, product makers use stickers, but these identifying tags are not durable enough. After a few uses the tag falls off or is damaged. Manufacturers are constantly searching for a better way to mark their products permanently.

The Best Option

The best option for marking PPE equipment is to use a laser. Lasers come in a variety of wavelengths that allow marking of nearly every material on the market. Lasers give a very high-speed custom mark that can even follow the contour of the part.

These marks are permanent even in very harsh environments. Another great advantage of a laser is the environmental savings because the laser does not use any inks, dyes, or paste to make a mark. The laser only uses concentrated light at the proper wavelength to produce a high contrast mark on the product. Lasers are the perfect match for the PPE industry.

Work with the Original Permanent Marking Experts

It is important to work with an experienced PPE marking company such as Telesis Technologies. Telesis is the leader in marking technologies, working with industry leaders to mark PPE on a variety of materials. The team finds solutions when other laser companies fail.

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